It's a rare rainy Saturday for us in Colorado. Such a nice change from the hot and dry of summer. The transition into fall isn't as dramatic here as it is in other places, but it's nice all the same. Hopefully, we won't see any sun for a couple of days so we can all get into the spirit of the fall season.

The animals don't seem to mind looking a little bedraggled in the rain. I think they enjoy the change in weather as much as we do. The "sentinels" are a little more somber today as they watch over the home place.

All in all, a lovely day to stay inside and catch up on those socks I've been working on. I'll be done with the first pair this evening and move on to the next pair--at least two shades of pink for a young preteen girl. I'll have to dye more yarn, but I'm looking forward to that part--maybe a painted yarn or a space dyed yarn.
It's a great life I lead...
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