Alf, our guard cat. A brilliant mouser, he looks like a million other cats, but his personality is what makes him special. You can tell by the condition of his ears that he's had a fight or two in his lifetime. Alf hangs out with the dogs and comes when you call his name. He rides the hay when we stack it in the truck and jumps in the back of the empty truck to ride with the dogs. He's the first to greet in the morning and the last to say good night. Quite a character, is he. I'm not really a lover of house cats, but if I were to ever move away from the farm, Alf would have to go with me.
Alf looks like a real cat,My old cat was a real character too, but he wouldn't move with us and adopted my In laws as we house swapped
Next door have 2 Siamese which I detest
He looks like a prime mouser, in tip-top condition. He's got giving much away with his expression, he probably resents his photo being taken, but that's cats lol
What a top cat! We have two cats who live in the pottery, Spock, who only has three legs, and Doughball, they too are real characters. Like you I am not into cats in the house, but a farm needs cats.
What a great cat!
Thanks for your comment on my blog, I've just been looking at yours, and it is really interesting! We have "spelsau"(the white ones in the heading) and " old Norwegian outdoorsheep"(those are the ones with horns on the small picture on my blog). We sell the wool, and never see it again:( I don't think many people around here process their own wool, it is all sold through the cooperatives(which means that it gets sold, both the meat and the wool- but the prizes are not always too good...)
Anyway, I enjoyed your blog, the info of the animals and your knitting! Thanks for sharing! (BTW:: we've had nearly 8 inches of rain during this weekend...)
Lovely fluffy cat with a great white bit on his chest! He really is a 'picture' cat, isn't he?
Alf is divine, not a bit like my Alf, which is hardly surprising as mine is a steer! My first ever cat looked like your Alf, although had a bit more white going up along one half of his nose. He was called - very originally - Sylvester, and had a long happy life, making 20 years. The little orange bloke is a heartbreaker too!
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