Even our old barn looks tolerable surrounded by green. We've been hoping this barn would blow over for years now, but even though it looks like it's fixing to fall over, it's probably the strongest building on our place. Such an ugly barn, but it serves its purpose. So much of our place is made up of old wood, "jerry rigged" fencing and old outbuildings, but you know, they just keep on doing their jobs. I suppose there are worse things than old buildings and fences.......like no buildings or fences, I guess!

His Royal Hugeness Hermes is standing out in the rain, seeming to enjoy it. He's in his prime and at his stinkiest this time of year. He can't wait for the girls to arrive in his pen the first of December. I think he uses way too much aftershave for my taste, but his girls just swoon over him and think he's beeeautiful! He does do his job, however and seems to enjoy being the sole breeding male on the place.
My daughter is spinning a bumpy novelty yarn from Mr. Hermes' fleece (extra well washed, of course) blended with a black alpaca from our black beauty, Solace. The combination creates a lovely dark charcoal color that we're plying with a silver thread. I think it's going to be great. It amounts to three skeins of about 200 yards each, so not quite enough for a sweater. She's got her work ahead of her to get enough done, but she's only about half way through the batch of rovings.

I have just read all your blogs (when I should be working!). It all sounds very fascinating. I look forward to hearing (and seeing) more.
Keep it up
Lovely to read about your farm, and how hard you work, but clearly it is a great pleasure.
I have a friend Mags who is the most wonderful weaver and dyer and I am fascinated by the cards of beautiful colours she has of wool's dyed from, bramble, and berries, grasses and leaves. There seems to be no end to the colours has managed to create. She does not so has much now as she used to, but she has taught many people her craft including the famous Kaffe Fassett.
I love alpaca wool, once owned a divine pullover, sadly no more.
What a fascinating blog . I would love to be able to weave. the novelty yarn sounds gorgeous.
What an interesting blog. Fascinating to read about life on the farm ... His Royal Hugeness is gorgeous!
I love reading about other people's lives, whether like mine or, like yours - very much NOT like mine. Keep it up!
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