Hi! It's Bethy again! I am posting some pictures of the Ranchers(do you remember the Ranchers?) hard at work picking, carding, dyeing and needle felting.

Picking is the process of fluffing the fleece up with the most wicked machine in the world.

The machine is basically just combing the fleece out so it's easier to card. Carding is the process of combing it out again but more evenly so it can be spun or felted.

The Ranchers are doing needle felt here. You put the fleece on top of a foam something-or-

other and gently poking it until it's felted. Then you cut them out in shapes(at least that's what the Rancher's are doing) like angels, bells, and gingerbread men for Christmas tree ornaments. The last process is dyeing the felted shapes into colors. Although I don't have any pictures right now, I'll try my best to get them the next time the Ranchers do this and I can take pictures.
These are hard working people who I just love with all my heart.

My mom probably already told you but these are people that are developmentally disabled adults. Some of them were born autistic, some were born retarded, some had accidents that caused brain damage. But no matter what happened to them, I love them so much. They're all as sweet as they can be!
Well that's all for now(from me anyway). Thanks for reading!
Fasinating stuff, and so great to see people with learning disabilities happy in their work!
That's a great blog, and what a wonderful facility. My daughter works in a home for schitzophrenics[ sure I've spelt that wrong ] and sadly there is no funding for activities such as this. They all look realyy happy.
What a wonderful and productive place. Thankyou so much for showing us the pictures.
Great pics and all very interesting.
Wow so very impressed - your work will allow the people you are working with to feel good about themselves and so they should.
Thank you all for your comments. Westerwitch, I've heard so much about you from my mother. She really thinks you're amazing. Purple Coo has done so much for my mom and I know she loves it. Thank you again.
- Bethy :)
Great Blog Woolyworks, and how lovely to have the people with learning difficulty's help with the work, and that they too can enjoy with the work also
Many years ago I worked with the Disabled of all different ages voluntarily for The Leonard Cheshire Home here in Norfolk. It was a privilege just to be able to be amongst them.
What fun! And a great activity to get involved in!
How nice to have these wonderful activities offered for people who enjoy it so much! Thanks for an inspiring post!
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